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You can access the resources shown here to improve your skills as a grass roots activist and stay on top of what is going in in the state legislature.
Opinions and information offered by other organizations do not necessarily reflect the views or perspectives of Oregon Capitol Watch.


Reading and understanding government budgets can be difficult and intimidating.  But if you take a look at this slideshow by CLICKING HERE, you can cut this challenge down to size and become a "Budget Detective!"

Finding fraud and waste in public budgets is vital to holding our government accountable for what it does with your money.  Download this slideshow and become a "Budget Detective!" (Adobe PDF Reader or equivalent required)


The following links are official state resources that can help you to plan your activism, be prepared for the projects you take on, and research issues important to you.  Just click on the link you want to see.

Governor's Office
     Oregon House
     Oregon Senate
     Legislative Fiscal

     Legislative Revenue
     Secretary of State



Downloadable documents listed here represent the written component of training courses offered by the Western Liberty Network (WLN).  These courses are designed to help grassroots activists hone their ability to engage in political activity at all levels while helping them take charge of their communities.

     How to be Effective in Informal Debates

The Basics of Lobbying

Managing Volunteers

     Campaigning with Little or No Money
Dealing with the Media

Session Watch

A project of OCWF.

Tracking the public policy

decisions that affect you.

(Click on the button

to see more.)

Copyright 2012 - Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation.  All rights reserved.

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