Funds Intended for Salmon Conservation Pay for Fat Cat Bureaucrat Salaries
In 1997 Oregon's legislature introduced the salmon license plate. Car owner's were assured upon payment, $30 each renewal, were earmarked "directly to projects that address road-related impacts to salmon and trout streams."
What has the salmon plate funding paid for since 2013?
Car owners have paid for the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board's small grants administrator. An office position. Not opening culverts for fish.
Car owners can also sleep well knowing their voluntary fee is set to pay for future website improvements to make it possible to apply for online grants.
Yes, website. In the state of Oregon, having a state agency run a state government does not have a record of success for launch or fiscal responsibility. What could possibly go wrong?
Click here for the full story. The story goes on to quote conservationists opting to donate directly to other environmental groups.
Duly noted.