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The Land of Kate Update: The Real Failure Of The Solo Power Debacle Is Kate Brown

Welcome to another story of wasteful spending from the Land of Kate.

The Bend Bulletin's recent editorial about how to squander millions in taxpayer dollars here in Oregon on failed projects like Solo Power is close to the mark, but doesn't quite get there. Neither does the Oregonian story about the matter.

Why you ask?

Because they both ignored Kate Brown's obvious failure of leadership. It seems Kate held no one accountable for making this series of bad decisions including recently authorizing $641,000 in state dollars to pay Solo Power's rent, even though their factory was shut down nearly 5 years ago!

And to add insult to injury, unbelievably the greenie bureaucrats at the Oregon Department of Energy asked Kate for permission to give even more money to this failed company which she wisely turned down given that it is an election year you know.

So why would the scandal ridden Oregon Department of Energy even think of asking to throw more good money down the rat hole for this failed project after giving them 13.5 million in tax credits, 10 million in direct financial assistance, millions more in various tax breaks, paying $641,000 in their rent, declaring them in default while not intending to pursue legal action to get our money back?

Because they know that Kate isn't gonna hold any of them accountable for wasting our tax dollars.

Capitol Watch cannot find a single news story of anyone being fired, demoted or reassigned related to the Solo Power debacle. Maybe we missed that somewhere but right now its likely that Kate's failure to hold state employees accountable both during her tenure as Secretary of State and as Governor means that we will continue to comment on more news stories about state government wasteful spending in the Land of Kate.

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