Taxpayers Pay for Researcher to Have Penis Stung by Bees and Get Birds Drunk!
If you thought taxpayer funded research about shrimps on a treadmill was the craziest waste of your tax dollars, along comes newly discovered stories about tax dollars paying to have honey bees sting a man's penis! Aside from the obvious absurdity of this research, you wonder what rational thought process is used to approve this type of expenditure? Or how about researchers at OHSU using alcohol to get birds drunk to determine if their songs change? What meaningful outcome to humanity was achieved in these efforts?
Oh I know that it will be defended by those who support these ridiculous expenditures of tax dollars as I saw during my legislative years as much of that type of illogical, non common nonsensical explanation was made by bureaucrats and researchers as they sought money for these types of expenditures. What is amazing to me is that policymakers at all levels accept these dubious rationales and approve these wastes of your money for such projects. While it pales in comparison to the 305 Million dollars wasted on the non working Cover Oregon website, you gotta wonder how much of this type of ridiculous and wasteful spending occurs at all levels of government in America.
It probably adds up to more than we think, which should give us all some pause the next time some politician is advocating for raising your taxes or fees.