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Are Worshipers Of The Church Of Man Made Global Warming About To Strike Oregon Again?

As California goes, so goes Oregon.

California is considering a mandate that all new homes must install solar panels and if Oregon follows true to form, we may soon do the same thing as this Bend Bulletin editorial points out. It seems the leftists that run our state often copycat California's mistakes or try to with middle class crushing ideas like a complicated carbon trading scheme which we barely avoided in the February session.

The nanny state mentality of Oregon lawmakers who worship at the church of man made global warming prevails here with laws that only raise the cost of living, hurting the poor and middle class. Oregon's gas prices are considerably higher than the national average as the low carbon fuel standard kicks in and our normally low cost electricity is almost a thing of the past as renewable energy mandates artificially inflate our costs. A solar panel mandate will increase the cost of a home by nearly $10,000 making it harder for lower income Oregonians to own a home, which is not living the American dream, but rather the American nightmare.

We are lucky that Oregon hasn't gone quite as far as some of California's crazy ideas like a proposal to require radio programmable thermostats in businesses and homes that would allow their power companies to turn up the temperature of your home on hot days in order to save energy. While it was an idea that was almost adopted some years ago it demonstrates how far the radical worshipers of man made global warming are prepared to go to save mother earth.

Look for Oregon's same worshipers to follow California's bad policy if they are foolish enough to adopt the solar panel mandate.

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